50 Days to More: Day Twenty-Four
50 Days to More
A Seven Week Campaign to Begin 2018
Week 4: Investing in Uncommon Mentorship Which Promotes You
Day Twenty-Four (1/30/18): The Master Key
Recommended Reading: 2 Chronicles 1:7-13
All the promises given to Abraham are available to those who will take them by faith. God promised Abraham increase, or MORE. His earthly reward was to have children as numerous as sands on the seashore. The heavenly reward was to have spiritual sons and daughters as numerous as stars in the sky. He was also promised that he would have much more than 1,000 times of blessing in his life!
So what is the master key to receive this life of more like Abraham had? Wisdom!
Wisdom is the #1 master key for all increase, and we can learn this from the life of Solomon. He was the wisest man that ever lived and possibly the richest. God appeared to him in a dream, and told him that he could have anything he asked for. Instead of asking for money, fame, possessions, or other earthly goods, Solomon asked for wisdom. (2 Chronicles 1:11-12)
By asking for wisdom, Solomon was now able to receive a life of increase because he knew how to live in increase! In other words, if you have wisdom – you can obtain anything else you will need or want! Using the key of wisdom, you can open the door to increase and realize that all of life’s blessings await you on the other side. You can go after what it is you need or want as your eyes are opened to the right opportunities.
Wisdom is the ability to discern difference. There is a difference in opportunities, environments, investments, people, and more. Wisdom will show you which doors are the right ones for you. Now, wisdom does not come automatically. Contrary to popular opinion, wisdom does not necessarily come just with age. Wisdom isn’t something you are born with, nor can you inherit it from anyone else.
Wisdom is something you must obtain by:
1. Knowing the Word of God (your source of wisdom)
2. Through relationships (the process of wisdom)
When it comes to choosing relationships, remember that the associations you choose will determine whether you win or lose. As we often tell students, “Show me your friends and I will show you your future.”
According to Psalm 1:1-2, avoiding relationships with wrong people is the first step to building relationships with right people. This is essential to obtaining wisdom because wisdom is primarily transferred through relationships. Your decisions can easily be altered through the influence of others. Be careful who you let in your circle of influence! Will you listen to the wisdom of a Godly mentor or will you listen to the words of a fool?
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.” Proverbs 13:20 (ESV)
Compiled by Christine Thompson & Meredith Hobbs
Taken from the Sermon Series “7 Steps to One Thousand Times More”
By Pastor Timothy Coats
Family First Church - Spring Hill, Florida