Family First Missions
In the foyer area to the left of our Worship Center is our Global Brew Cafe! Our cafe serves coffee from all over the world with profits going to missions. The vision of our cafe is “serving countries”, with your help we serve many nations by enabling missionaries to share the Gospel as our cafe serves you coffee from those nations! Come early before service or stay late to grab some coffee and treats and fellowship with others!
At Family First we are very passionate about reaching out to our local community as well as spreading the message of Christ across the nations. The first Sunday of every month is Missions Sunday, where we put out flags from nations all over the world and remind people of their Faith Promise commitments to support our missionaries. Once a year we have an entire month dedicated to Missions Emphasis, where we talk about different missionaries and projects we want to partner with for the upcoming year. Our missions teams have visited numerous places over the years, the most recent trips have been to Cuba, Nicaragua, South Africa, and a local trip to the Ocala National Forest. Please pray for our missionaries, our missions teams, and consider going on a missions trip with us in the near future! Our Missions Ministries at Family First are lead by Ms. Naomi Centeno & Amanda De Pablo.
Here is a brief overview of all the missionaries and ministries we support here at Family First on a monthly basis!
Assemblies of God
World Missions Theme 2024