Connect Groups
Connect Groups 〰️
Small Groups
We are launching our brand new Winter Semester of Small Groups! These groups will be the perfect place to grow in relationships with one another. Some groups are studies, some are interest groups, or even have games or outings; wherever you can connect with people! Contact Shelton Hunter for more information.

Every 3rd Thursday of the month our ladies are invited to Bible Study with Ms Maggie Canfield! Join us at 7:00 pm in the Global Brew Cafe. Young women and ladies of all ages are welcome!
Every last Saturday of the month our men are invited to join us for Breakfast at Cracker Barrel on Commercial Way at 8:30 am. Once a quarter we meet at the church as the guys cook breakfast! Come join the fellowship!
Do you love to worship the Lord? Whether you play an instrument, sing, or just enjoy worshipping together as the Body of Christ you are welcome to this Connect Group! Join us at the Hobbs House - all are welcome as we dive deeper together in our Devotion to the Lord! This will be a quarterly get-together with food and fellowship included as well! Contact Pastors Michell & Meredith Hobbs for more information at (352) 238-6505.
Come with me as we paddle into the sunset or paddle the Weeki Wachee. We may even catch a fish or find a few manatees. I will have a special class for beginners emphasizing safety first. Learning to kayak is easy. Soon you will be paddling for miles on the water. I will also have a class teaching basic fishing skills from a kayak. Kayaking connect group will be a great time to create memories with friends and find new friends. This group will meet twice a month. I have a few kayaks if you need to borrow one. Shelton Hunter (352) 397-6206,
Hinds Feet Ascending is a group of ladies who totally love Jesus and want to grow in their upward walk with Him as He cares for each of us in all the seasons of our lives. We learn together from the Bible lessons and we share our growing experiences with one another, thus helping each other to higher heights in Jesus. There is great joy in this group and amazing love and grace given both at the meeting and also through prayer in the in-between times. There is a place for everyone and everyone has a place! So come….and ascend with us! Contact Susan Chaya for more information, (727) 457-7099.
Support & encouragement for your grief journey! Your journey from mourning to joy. Whether through the loss of a spouse, child, family member, or friend, come experience help and encouragement. Griefshare is a support group that meets weekly. You'll find it to be a warm, caring environment and will come to see your group as an "oasis" on your long journey through grief. Please contact Pam Sciabica with any questions at (352) 238-0026.
This is a co-ed connect group for all who are interested in making decorations and decorating our church for events and general holidays. We will meet on an as needed basis with a meeting every 4-6 weeks and more often when we are preparing for an event or holiday. If you are crafty or not so crafty, this will be a great opportunity to be with old friends and connect with some new friends. If interested please contact Cynthia Croce at (631) 553-5000,
This is an action group. This is a ministry group. This is not a fellowship group. This is not a study group. We are open to the Lord's leadership.
Making hospital visits.
Sending encouraging cards to the sick.
Planning meals for the sick and injured.
Home visits for shut-ins.
Other avenues where the Holy Spirit leads us.
The goal of this group is to get
together, share some meals, laugh,
make new-lasting friendships, and
love the Lord.
Often, we forget that although
seasoned, we still have a lot to offer!
Psalm 71:18
“And even when I am old and gray, O
God, do not forsake me, until I
declare Your strength to this
This group is not for the faint of heart
but for anyone 55 and older, who
although is thought of as a senior
citizen, still feels like a kid-at-heart.
Come on!!!! Let’s get together and
enjoy the fellowship and participate in
the FUN activities. Ya never know
what we’ll be doin’ next…
Remember when? Sunday School is back! Sunday School is on Thursday night in our home. We are currently studying the book of Acts. Please contact us if interested in joining our class. Shelton & Dianne Hunter, (352) 397-6206, 7358 Clearwater Drive, Spring Hill.
Secret Sisters is a ministry for women to connect, encourage, & pray for one another. Women will be randomly selected within the group as a silent partner for a sister. You can send her gifts, notes, & pray for her. Talk to Betty Lynn Pepka for more information and to fill out a form, (303) 941-1617.
We meet the 1st & 3rd Monday of each month at 7pm, in the Fellowship Hall at Family First. Are you a parent with children at home? Or do you plan to have children in the near future? If so, this group is for you! Discover the keys to successful parenting in God's kingdom through this powerful book. This is a 10-session series. It requires you to purchase the book “Raising Giant Killers” by Bill Johnson. However, don’t let the cost of a book hold you back, there are sponsorships available! We want everyone to have the opportunity to be apart of this study! Please contact Brandy Chaya for more information. 727-457-0126
Pastor Coats leads a personal mentoring group for young and growing leaders both within and outside of our church family. The purpose of these sessions is to come along side & assist these leaders with the strength & wisdom of God to help them successfully fulfill the assignment of God upon their life. This group, for committed individuals only, is available via an open invitation from Pastor Coats. Please feel free to please speak with Pastor Coats.
This connect group is a group thats simply focused on prayer - prayer for one another, our loved ones, and our church family. We intercede before the Lord together and individually in this prayer time. We will be meeting every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am in the worship center. Let's grow together as we grow closer to the Lord. 2 Corinthians 10:4, All are welcome to come and join us!
Novice or expert, there’s a place for you in the Piecemakers Connect Group of Family First Assembly. We will fashion quilts that express ideas, warm families, and decorate homes. This will join us with those who taught us, and in turn inspire future quilters, preserving past traditions and creating new ones. We will also do some scrapbooking and other paper crafting projects. So, even if you think you cannot sew or papercraft, please consider joining us just to fellowship with casual conversation. You may find a new hobby or not. But for sure, you will find new friends!! For questions contact Betty Lynn Pepka (303) 941-1617, “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be call the children of God.” Matt 5:9 Blessed are the children of piecemakers, for they shall inherit the quilts and scrapbooks.
In a time when ‘family time’ is being pushed to the side, Family First’s newest connect group is offering a time to spend enjoying the company of both family time and church family! Every other month we will be having a potluck dinner with fun, food, and fellowship in the fellowship hall on Sunday afternoons from 1-3:30 pm, starting in September. The dates will be announced for each month regarding the gathering and food. Questions? Contact Andrew or Brandy Chaya, (727) 457-1395 or (727) 457-0126.
We are launching a new Connect Group for moms within the Women’s Ministries here at Family First! We will join together for play dates, fellowship, and other various meet-ups possibly at parks, coffee shops, you name it! Contact Katie Smith at (352) 650-9352 if you’re interested in joining!
This year our Women’s Ministries is hosting breakfast once a month at the home of Susan Chaya. Friends, fun, food, and the Word - what could be better? Bring something to share and invite a friend. See the flyer with dates, times, and the address. Text Susan with any questions at (727) 457-7099.