50 Days to More

This January we are going to be launching a 50 Day Devotional Plan, from January 7 - February 25th. Our emphasis for this devotional is going to be in line with our prayer and mission for the rest of year, starting with 50 Days to More!
We really believe that in 2018, God wants us to experience MORE! More of His presence, more of His joy, more of His financial freedom and blessings, more healings, more salvations, the list goes on and on! God still has MORE in store for His people, and we are looking forward to walking further into His promises in the coming year.
We will be posting the devotion everyday on this blog, which you can subscribe to at the bottom of this page so it will send you an email reminder! Also, we will be printing out physical copies of this devotional every week which will have available at Family First Church.
We are looking forward to celebrating 2018 with you! God has great plans for you!
Welcome to our 2nd blog post in our series on Creativity! Our first post was about how important it is for the body of Christ to embrace creativity. We want to embrace new wineskins and mindsets so we can better reach and equip the next generation! However, have you realized that in today's world, our creativity as Christians is being attacked? Satan would love for us to keep the old wineskin, old traditions. So there are many roadblocks that stand in the way of embracing new creative methods to do more for Christ!
Welcome to our newest blog series: Creativity! We will be taking the next few posts to focus in on this important topic that we really believe is key to reaching the next generation for Christ. Before we dive into the necessity and potential of using creativity in the body of Christ, we first must understand it’s importance! Creativity can often be pushed aside or put on the back burner when it comes to daily life or ministry. But it really is irreplaceable!
This past June at Family First we went through what we called a Prayer Siege, where everyday we prayed over different areas in our culture and in our community. Everyday for one week we prayed for a different Mountain of Influence. These 7 Mountains of Influence are areas in our world where God can transform an entire community through Kingdom leaders, organizations, businesses, and more!
Have you ever been on a mission’s trip? If so, then you know the similar feelings I’m going to be describing today. If not, then why haven’t you? Go on a trip! I promise you, it will change your life. Time, money, resources, age, fear, whatever excuses you may have, don’t let anything prohibit you from doing the work of God, on both foreign soil and on your home turf.
Embracing People - More Than a Smile
Hello church family and blessings. Hope this post finds you well. Wanted to take a moment and share something the Father has been sharing with the Family First leadership team. The topic is assimilation/hospitality.
“Canvas for Your Name" is the newest song from Definitive Worship, our worship team here at Family First Church in Spring Hill, FL. Our prayer is that through this song and through our worship you can encounter God in your own way. Just this morning we uploaded an acoustic live music video of this song and wanted to share with you our heart behind it!
Declaring More Through Worship 2:
In our last post I wrote about how several worship songs have been connecting with me through these devotionals and prayers for MORE. During this season of 2018, I really believe God is preparing His people to actually start living the abundant life! Many believe that their lives after having received Christ are much more full than they were previously. And this is true for many in their spiritual walk, but some have yet to experience this blessing of more in their finances. If we truly believe God is a God of abundance, then why not believe that He wants His people to live blessed financially?
Declaring More Through Worship:
This past week we finished our devotional series, "50 Days to More!" As we have been dwelling on what it means to seek after this lifestyle that God is calling us to, there have been several worship songs that have resonated this same message. We believe that God wants to do MORE in us and through us in this season, and we also believe in the power of proclaiming what the Holy Spirit is saying in praise, worship, and prayer.
Day Fifty (2/25/18): Conclusion
Welcome to Day Fifty! This is the end; can you believe it? Our prayer is that throughout these 50 days you have learned what living a life of increase is all about. It’s about MORE, not just so that we can have more for the sake of having more. But it’s about MORE, so we can BE more, DO more, HAVE more, and SEE more work being done for God’s Kingdom through our lives than ever before!
Today is our 3rd blog post in our series on Creativity! The first blog was about creativity being a new wineskin for the body of Christ. Our second post was about how creativity, for Christians, is on attack because the enemy sees its potential for God’s glory. In today’s post we will be talking about how our creativity as Christians will set us apart from other people.