50 Days to More: Day Fifteen

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50 Days to More

A Seven Week Campaign to Begin 2018

Week 3: Determining to Whom You Have Been Assigned

Day Fifteen (1/21/18): Realizing Your Assignment
Recommended Reading: Psalm 139:1-16

Everything God creates is created to solve a problem. That might not be something you’ve thought about before. He is the master creator and designer. Therefore all his masterpieces are created perfectly, for a specific purpose. When we understand this, we can celebrate the uniqueness of all God’s masterpieces. One of the most wonderful and excellent things God ever created is you! This is the key we'll be learning about this week.

We have all heard that we were created in his image, which is true. But there is more to the story of why God created us exactly the way we are. When we look at nature itself, it helps us understand this process. Think about your human body. Each and every aspect of you was created like it is for the specific purpose of solving a problem. Your eyes solve a vision problem. You need to be able to see clearly to observe and participate in the world around you. Your ears solve a hearing problem. Life would be very difficult - and is very difficult - for those who have hearing issues.

In our recommended reading, David celebrates the fact that God knows each person from the inside out (See Psalm 139:13). God was thinking about the kind of talents, gifts, and personalities we would need for our assignments. He was considering the particular problems we’d have to solve, which he has created us to fulfill. It’s no wonder that David’s response was the exclamation, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”

To prepare our hearts for more, we have to understand the problem God created us to fulfill. This referred to as our assignment. Your assignment is one of the most important things you will ever discover in life. It will release your anointing! The anointing is the empowerment that enables us to fulfill an assignment from God. This will be the theme of the devotional readings this week.

Understanding your assignment will release your passion. No one enjoys embarking on a task that they don't feel passionate about. Discovering your assignment will make you confident that you can be, do, accomplish, and have more for his glory!

This week, we will meditate on six very important facts about our assignment. As for today,  become settled in the fact that God did not make a mistake when he created you. He created you with a very specific and particular assignment in mind. You are you because you are who God designed and created you to be. It is often said, “God never makes a mistake, God never creates junk!”

“For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.” Colossians 1:16 (ESV)

Taken from the Sermon Series “7 Steps to One Thousand Times More”
By Pastor Timothy Coats
Family First Church - Spring Hill, Florida

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