50 Days to More: Day Forty-Four

50 Days to More

A Seven Week Campaign to Begin 2018

Week 7: Sowing Uncommon Seeds with Expectation

Day Forty-Four (2/19/18): You are a Walking Dispenser of Seeds
Recommended Reading: Proverbs 11:23-28

Have you ever seen a grass seed spreader? A person will walk around their yard with it and turn a crank. When they turn that crank, it releases seeds that scatter all over the ground. That’s how we are, too. We’re seed dispensers!

You might be thinking, “That’s not me. I’m not a seed dispenser. I don’t have any money! How can you plant seeds without any money?” This is not true at all. We all have seed. Not every seed is a financial seed. There are plenty of others like seeds of talent, seeds of words, seeds of love, and seeds of faith. Like we said yesterday, the kind of seed you plant depends on the harvest you want to reap. If you want to reap a harvest of forgiveness, we can plant seeds of forgiveness for other people. If we want to reap a spiritual harvest, we can plant spiritual seeds. The kind of harvest that you want determines what kind of seed you sow.

The sowing of our seeds is vital if we want to see increase in our lives. It’s common for us to focus on prayer when we need something. While praying is important, God wants us to act in faith and obedience when we ask for something from him. He wants us to sow a seed and believe for it’s increase. For example, if we need a financial breakthrough the seed for it is not prayer. The seed for a financial breakthrough is tithing.

We can’t expect our prayers to overrule God’s Kingdom laws. His law of provision promises that we will see increase when we tithe (Proverbs 3:9-10). If we don’t follow this law by tithing, we can’t expect God to override that law. Likewise, we can’t expect to be forgiven if we don’t sow seeds of forgiveness first (Matthew 6:14-15). We have to sow the proper seed in order to get the harvest we are after.

Perhaps you’ve never thought of sowing and harvesting this way before. Maybe you’ve only considered seeds to be financial and haven’t intentionally sown other kinds of seeds. Today, think about the kinds of harvests that you want in your life. In what areas would you most like to see God increase? Sow your seeds in those areas with faith and expectation. Sowing seeds can hurt and be difficult because we’re giving up something that we have. However, when we sow a seed it isn’t lost forever. In time, God will grow and multiply it. We will be the ones to reap the harvests of those seeds! You’re full of seeds, now it’s up to you to plant them.

“Don’t be misled—you cannot mock the justice of God. You will always harvest what you plant.” Galatians 6:7 (NLT)

Compiled by Christine Thompson & Meredith Hobbs
Taken from the Sermon Series “7 Steps to One Thousand Times More”
By Pastor Timothy Coats
Family First Church - Spring Hill, Florida