50 Days to More: Day Forty-One

50 Days to More

A Seven Week Campaign to Begin 2018

Week 6: Creating Success in Your Daily Routine

Day Forty-One (2/16/18): Uncommon Achievers
Recommended Reading: Psalm 90:10-12

How can we ensure that we’re setting ourselves up to be uncommon achievers? We have to become planners. Uncommon achievers have a habit of planning their day. This may not seem that important, but it’s a really small step that can help keep us focused each day. A really effective way to accomplish this is by planning out each day of the week on a Saturday or Sunday.

On the weekend, try sitting down and scheduling yourself to work on certain things that you need to get done. For some people, this might seem a little over-the-top or anal. But once you do it, it will change your life! It may take a little bit of time to plan, but it will put your mind at ease throughout the rest of the week. There is nothing worse than being extremely busy and having to stress about upcoming events or due dates. When we write everything out on a calendar and actually schedule ourselves to clean, shop, do homework, etc., we don’t have to worry about those things when we’re working or taking care of our family. It’s hard to miss a deadline or let tasks slip through the cracks when we have them written out in front of us.

This becomes helpful when we have super busy weeks. Sometimes life can get so busy that we struggle to figure out what to focus on first. That makes it difficult to find time to spend with God or work on special projects. But if we prioritize our time and write down our events and other obligations, it can put our minds at ease and keep us productive.

Planning our days eliminates the need to worry about if we’re forgetting something. When we portion our time and remind ourselves of important (AND not so important) things that we have to do, we don’t have to wonder if something is getting past us. We don’t have to go to bed at night and try to make a to-do lists in our heads because we’ve already made them and told ourselves when to do each task!

If we want to be uncommon achievers, we have to become uncommon planners. Planning our days ensures that we’re making time for what’s important. It helps us to not waste precious time doing things that don’t matter or add value to our lives. Maybe you struggle to find quiet time in your day-to-day life. Perhaps you have a million things floating around in your mind and are losing track of them. Try planning your upcoming week and see how much you’re able to accomplish.

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” Psalm 20:4 (NIV) 

Compiled by Christine Thompson & Meredith Hobbs
Taken from the Sermon Series “7 Steps to One Thousand Times More”
By Pastor Timothy Coats
Family First Church - Spring Hill, Florida